
Showing posts from April, 2024

Loser Rick Caraviello's Ongoing Low Self Image Does Everett Ever Look at Medford?

  FAT AND STUPID EX POLITICIAN SEETHING OVER HIS LOSSES    Your name is Richard F Caraviello    You look in the mirror and see an obese, ugly, wretched human being. The only thing he is happy about is that his name isn't David Pecker of the National Enquirer   He runs for mayor, and loses   Caraviello files false charges against a  human being...and loses.    Caraviello is Medford's biggest loser.       A 70 year old taxi driver with nothing but an ugly face and a bad attitude

DiPierro Hat Wrongfully Advertising in Elder Housing 4/19/24 10:30 am

 The DiPierro Hat is on a Dummy, how appropriate!!!! Someone asked "Who in senior housing would punch the face of a doll someone took the time to make? ".  I replied "The town drunk with his political speech in a recreation room where it is not allowed."   Someone replied   " There   you go. The town Drunk" At our coffee hour this morning, when I walked in, someone said "Joe, go look at the hat." A blue hat I expected to say Joe Biden (currently flying around on Facebook,) but then I saw it said DiPierro, who has at least two surrogates in this area promoting him, one of them a  known harasser in the recreation room, who signed a document in court after being accused of sexually harassing another male, and who allegedly ruins BINGO for the Bingo players. The individual allegedly has his own son, a grown man, living with mom and dad in senior housing ...."He moved in from day 1, seven years ago" a person stated.  Housing said they would