DiPierro Hat Wrongfully Advertising in Elder Housing 4/19/24 10:30 am

 The DiPierro Hat is on a Dummy, how appropriate!!!!

Someone asked "Who in senior housing would punch the face of a doll someone took the time to make?

I replied "The town drunk with his political speech in a recreation room where it is not allowed."
Someone replied "There you go. The town Drunk"

At our coffee hour this morning, when I walked in, someone said "Joe, go look at the hat."
A blue hat I expected to say Joe Biden (currently flying around on Facebook,) but then I saw
it said DiPierro, who has at least two surrogates in this area promoting him, one of them a 
known harasser in the recreation room, who signed a document in court after being accused
of sexually harassing another male, and who allegedly ruins BINGO for the Bingo players.

The individual allegedly has his own son, a grown man, living with mom and dad in senior
housing ...."He moved in from day 1, seven years ago" a person stated.  Housing said they
would accept an "anonymous letter" on it.  I signed my name to the letter stating "As a 
former (excellent) manager of an Air BNB, I found the evidence on a Google search."

The name of the son of the tenants is listed on Google as living on Whittier Drive.

Quiet Enjoyment is violated when this DiPierro supporter sexually harasses a man
ten years his senior (I was 69 at the time of the sexual harassment, the alleged drunk
59 at the time) ...heck now I know how Medford city councilor Michael Marks felt when
a state Rep put his hands where they don't belong at the opening of the Medford TV
station... as I was uploading the photo I took the New England Patriots announcer
stated "Illegal use of the hands."  I Swear to God, what serendipity. 

(I mean if you've known Joe Vig for half a century,  which this fellow does, and with my ever present camera, 
you don't  swing for the sweet spot with  then-Mayor Muccini Burke laughing with you, not at you) ....but I digress

I'm being very nice in Everett, not as highly political as I still am with Medford, but sheesh,
the misconduct of Anthony DiPierro is ongoing and hardly helps out the seniors.

The previous fellow, Darren, STILL HELPS the seniors, while DiPierro (thankfully, I guess)
is not in our lives.  He has his surrogates continue to do his dirty work

Here's today's episode.  Who do you think would punch out an innocent doll that
someone took much time to make?  My bet is on the town drunk, and why Housing
is not address the situation puts every tenant at risk, in my humble opinion.

The town drunk has a friend in high places with the initials A.D. it seems, and
given the photos of the rogue city councilor making their way on the web, 
"high" seems to be the right descriptive choice ...but there I go digressing again


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