Letter to the Elections Division Regarding DiPierro Campaign Vandalizing Senior Citizen Recreation Room


Mon, Oct 23 at 11:12 PM

Secretary of the Commonwealth Elections Division
One Ashburton Place
Room 1705
Boston, MA   02108                                     

1-800-462-VOTE (8683)
Fax: 617-727-3238

Dear Elections Commission:

A candidate for city council in Everett, Anthony DiPierro, is personally,
or has people helping out his campaign (in-kind contributions?) wrecking
posters for our "Coffee Hour" at Everett Housing. 

To add insult to injury they are removing posters that help the public, time,
energy, printing, reels of tape, and after DiPierro's party at 21 Whittier (10/19/23,)
the posters were removed and wrongfully replaced with DiPierro's posters,
which the candidate knew (he was advised by Housing) that he was not
supposed to post.

Enclosed are photographs taken on or about 4:18 pm on Monday,
October 23, 2023 of DiPierro's campaign again violating the Everett
Housing Authority rules, putting his posters up wrongfully, while
over the weekend the Coffee Hour posters for the community were
vandalized again.   The DiPierro campaign officially repeat offenders.

Everett Housing is in the BCC and they are aware of the situation.

Other candidates have shown up at our Friday morning get togethers, but
we've never seen DiPierro give a hand to the community.  File that under:
DiPierro's Promises are all Lies.  DiPierro doesn't lift a finger to help our senior
community, but he and/or his thugs, and I choose my words very carefully,
DiPierro and/or his thugs wreck posters and replace them with DiPierro's
propaganda, to the detriment of our community and against EHA policy.  

If this continues I will file for a restraining order on the DiPierro campaign,
on DiPierro himself, and two individuals I believe are part of his gang.
They are both violent tenants and I can prove it.  There is already a
restraining order on one of them, and I have plenty of evidence against
the other one, including interaction with the police.  E.H.A. knows exactly
who these alleged accomplices are and the mayhem that they have caused.

In a perfect world these unseemly activities would remove DiPierro from
the ballot. 

Governor Maura Healey has this to say about ex councilor DiPierro:

"He should resign! People like that should not be serving in office, 
it's quite simple,"
Healey said to applause from the audience during 
Friday's taping of Boston Public Radio at the Boston Public Library.

Anthony DiPierro's campaign vandalism where senior
citizens reside is reprehensible.  Housing informed all
candidates the rules and DiPierro, cousin to Mayor DeMaria,
thinks that he is entitled and that the rules do not apply to

Please keep this complaint on record as something
tells me that someone like Anthony DiPierro, with no
morals and no sensitivity, is going to conduct himself
in a vulgar way again...and soon.  

DiPierro acts like Republican George Santos, that the
rules do not apply to him.  We see where Santos is,
legally, at this point in time and, hopefully, the authorities
will see fit to begin questioning Anthony DiPierro - and
press charges.

What we've experienced is elder abuse, plain and simple,
and in Massachusetts the emotional distress is a crime.


Crimes against the elderly

MGL c.19A, § 14-26 Elder abuse

Defines elder abuse as acts or omissions resulting in 
serious physical, sexual or emotional injury or financial loss to an adult age 60 or older.

The theft of the posters is a financial loss and deep emotional
distress.  DiPierro's campaign includes racism, vandalism, wrongful
posting at a senior recreation room, and alleged drug abuse - caught
on Zoom.  The mayor and a state Representative appear to be 
enabling this elder abuse. 

Thank you for keeping this on file in case any reporters
want to seek a public records request on DiPierro.


Joe Viglione   


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