Racist's Goon Takes Halloween Party Inivite and Puts DiPierro Campaign Poster Up


Thu, Oct 26 at 1:26 PM
Mayor DeMaria
Everett City Hall
Everett MA 02149

Dear Cousin Carlo,

Your cousin, Anthony DiPierro, 
had a function at the recreation 
room at Everett's Whittier Recreation 
room at 21 Whittier Drive.

I have video footage of an Anthony DiPierro 
goon putting up a flyer (in the lobby)
--- the fellow had white hair, 
jeans and a blue jacket.

There is a second video in the laundry room 
of the fellow - full facial -
taking our Halloween Party poster down 
and putting a DiPierro propaganda
poster up.

Yesterday Mr. DiPierro showed up 
at our Halloween party and wanted
to give me a trick or treat bag h
e was handing out.  
No thank you.

Attached are:

a)the letter from EHA not to use the 
community room to campaign
b)the campaign material posted
c)the campaign material  posted

It is our community room, not Anthony DiPierro's.

The racist having some goon vandalizing 
information for our Halloween Party and 
replacing it with his own literature is a nuisance.

I choose my words carefully  - it was Anthony DePierro's

Also, Friday morning coffee hour 
literature/posters is missing.
I will keep looking at the footage

Anthony DiPierro is a blight on our community.  
If you somehow get your "cousin" in,
I will initiate a recall vote.


Joe Viglione 


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