DiPierro's Sexual Abuser DeFacto Campaign Manager at Whitter Drive Breaks the Rules



Dear Friends: There are wild rumors flying that I am posting this anti-DiPierro stuff to benefit a candidate. HA HA HA, I am my own man. This stuff is being posted because DiPierro and Rep Joe McGonagle know a drunken sexual harasser is breaking the rules. Last night I fond our coffee hour sign vandalized and litter for DiPierro all over the Ev Housing Recreation room at Whittier, where it doesn't belong, and every candidate was warned by Housing. So I filed a complaint with EHA. Lo and behold today, Nov 4 Saturday the litter was back up, only worse. And signs that says "Your (sic) on Camera" - next to the DiPierro garbage breaking the rules. Yes, I am on camera and gladly took ALL the rubbish down for the cameras and for you..

Dear Friends: 
There are wild rumors flying that I am posting this anti-DiPierro stuff to benefit a candidate. HA HA HA, I am my own man. This stuff is being posted because DiPierro and Rep Joe McGonagle know a drunken sexual harasser is breaking the rules. Last night I fond our coffee hour sign vandalized and litter for DiPierro all over the Ev Housing Recreation room at Whittier, where it doesn't belong, and every candidate was warned by Housing. So I filed a complaint with EHA. Lo and behold today, Nov 4 Saturday the litter was back up, only worse. And signs that says "Your (sic) on Camera" - next to the DiPierro garbage breaking the rules. Yes, I am on camera and gladly took ALL the rubbish down for the cameras and for you.. DiPierro knows what is going on because I have alerted him, but he seems to enjoy the harassment. You see, the sexual harasser tried to drag me into the bathroom for sex, yuck, and I just replied "My husband would kill me." Then I reported him to Housing and they got a restraining order on him Jan 12, 2023. The DiPierro supporter violated it on May 18, 2023, four police officers took a report, and the fool should be evicted. 
He can't even spell "You are own camera" and writes "Your (sic) on Camera."
But Darren Costa is at a disadvantage when some low-life molests our recreation room on Whittier like he attempted to molest me. That is who is supporting DiPierro.


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