Letter to Housing Demanding they Evict DiPierro Campaign Support Bailot


Sat, Nov 4 at 8:53 PM
Everett Housing Authority
Board of Directors
393 Ferry St, 
Everett, MA 02149

Dear Everett Housing Authority:

Robert Bailot needs to be evicted from 23 Whittier Drive, 
it is a public safety matter.

This is on your website: "Everett Housing Authority has been helping provide safe and affordable housing in the City of Everett Massachusetts since 1947. "

I submit that I was not safe when a Robert Bailot sexually harassed me,
and still am not safe with that DiPierro supporter lurking around.

I fear for my home and my possessions.  Bailot is a drunken maniac and
from day 1 he and his friend, Louise Ford, were harassing me.  More about
Mrs. Ford in a moment.

Robert Bailot has been a nuisance, I am told, at Bingo, which I
do not attend.

There are allegations he was yelling, screaming and throwing
Bingo pieces around.  The fellow who called Bingo quit, and he
told me Robert Bailot was the reason why.  Now you have two or
three people attending Bingo specifically because of that maniac.

The tenants are all cheated by the DiPierro supporter.

Peter Chiarello says that Bailot controls the TV (and, ostensibly, the
recreation room.)   Chiarello threatened to take Bailot and his son behind
Dunkin and beat them up.   I heard the phone call.

Anthony DiPierro was warned, but allows this malfeasance to continue because
the racist coward is scared of his own vulgar mouth.

Rep Joe McGonagle allows this malfeasance to continue and
certainly knows about him as I cc'd him.  Crickets

After my Coffee Hour poster was vandalized on Friday, Nov 3, 2023,
I allege that Bailot is the one who put up the DiPierro garbage all over
the recreation room.   They've also destroyed Mystic Valley Elder posters
for the Halloween Party and more.  The Halloween poster was ripped down
by an alleged "Nick Saia" alleged to be of Local 22, who also proceeded to
put up DiPierro posters where they don't belong.

Racist coward DiPierro sure is acting scared about the election.

Housing has hired maintenance to clean the windows, but now multiple
windows have the tape from allegedly the drunken fool.  Maintenance
now has to clean them again because of DiPierro's campaign thugs.

DiPierro is bad for Everett, and his accomplices, Chiarello and Bailot,
though they allegedly hate each other, are causing trouble and support,
you guessed it, the racist buffoon DiPierro.

Saturday morning the garbage of the racist's campaign came back
even harder.  I removed it, and took photos again that are here:

Photos of today's 11.4.23 malfeasance here:

Anthony DiPierro knows this is happening, and he knows the backgrounds of these two thugs
allegedly doing it.

It puts Mr. DiPierro's opponent, and the citizenry, at a disadvantage, which cheater DiPierro

The Elections Division of the Sec of State's office is in the CC.  I intend to file a complaint
and any votes for DiPierro should be nullified for violating the rules and dealing with
such unscrupulous and dangerous people.

We don't need a defacto member of the KKK infiltrating Everett politics no matter how
hypocritical his cousin, Mayor Carlo, is about the racist candidate.  Same for Rep McGonagle.

The filthy garbage was accompanied by a sign which said "Your (sic) on camera."

You betcha, I'm happy to be on camera tearing the filth down, and by the way,
you are on camera too, posting illegally at Everett Housing

Bailot needs to be evicted


Joe Viglione 

P.S.  About Louise Ford: I believe she wrongfully called for fire and ambulance
on July 3, 2022 and Jan 12, 2023.  I wrote her that it is a criminal act.  She had
them on speed dial.

Praise Jesus, suddenly, she doesn't call anymore.  She's healed!!!!!
She is another piece of work with a DiPierro sign in the window.

Glad I healed her.   Louise Ford would lean on my buzzer, call Housing
to harass me, and needs to join a prayer group or something


Dear Friends: 

There are wild rumors flying that I am posting this anti-DiPierro stuff to benefit a candidate. 


I am my own man. 

This stuff is being posted because DiPierro and Rep Joe McGonagle know a drunken sexual harasser is breaking the rules. 

Last night I found our coffee hour sign vandalized and litter for DiPierro all over the Ev Housing Recreation room at Whittier, where it doesn't belong, and every candidate was warned by Housing. So I filed a complaint with EHA. 

 Lo and behold today, Nov 4 Saturday the litter was back up, only worse. 

 And signs that says "Your (sic) on Camera" - next to the DiPierro garbage breaking the rules. Yes, I am on camera and gladly took ALL the rubbish down for the cameras and for you. 

DiPierro knows what is going on because I have alerted him, but he seems to enjoy the harassment. You see, the sexual harasser tried to drag me into the bathroom for sex, yuck, and I just replied "My husband would kill me." 

 Then I reported him to Housing and they got a restraining order on him Jan 12, 2023. The DiPierro supporter violated it on May 18, 2023, four police officers took a report, and the fool should be evicted. He can't even spell "You are own camera" and writes "Your (sic) on Camera."

But Darren Costa is at a disadvantage when some low life molests our recreation room on Whittier like he attempted to molest me. That is who is supporting DiPierro.


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