Top 10 Reasons Why Joe Biden / Kamala Harris have already won the 2024 election:

 1,054 page views and climbing, Jan 7 2023

Top 10 Reasons Why Joe Biden / Kamala Harris have already won the 2024 election: 
1)It's the Economy - jobs reports are fabulous, inflation is down, especially compared to the rest of the world, and Biden gave us massive infrastructure, something Trump wanted very much but couldn't pull off. Biden knows our needs and how to navigate Congress and the Senate.
2)THE POLLS the polls are asking all the wrong questions right now because they want readership. This strange change in polling happened maybe 15 years ago when the pollsters realized the money to be had in saying the wrong thing. It is all about the money and they want you to believe the race is close. It isn't.
3)TRUMP AND ADOLPH HITLER Hitler gained popularity nationwide by exploiting unrest during the Great Depression, and in 1932 he placed second in the presidential race. Hitler's various maneuvers resulted in the winner, Paul von Hindenburg, appointing him chancellor in January 1933. The problem for Trump is that we are doing well, Germany was devastated by the WW1 and had to come back from devastation. Trump has not that card to play.

4)Trump and Hitler Part 2: understood the power of symbols, oratory, and image, and formulated party slogans to reach the masses that were simple, concrete, and emotionally appealing. Meanwhile, Trump plays to his "Apprentice" crowd. The rest of reality knows what a crook he was in the White House, stealing secret documents, falsely claiming immunity for all things, never taking responsibility. Keep repeating a lie and some people will believe it. Thankfully, Trump makes the little boy who cried wolf look like Honest George or Honest Abe. Only his cult believe the nonsense. It is amazing how large that cult is, but it doesn't reach over 33 percent, and voter's are not THAT stupid.

5)Trump and Adolf Hitler Part 3: Hitler was bogged down by his drug abuse and going after Stalin, having too many wars on too many fronts, was not very Napoleanic of Adolph. Hitler had too many battles. So while Trump is throwing rocks at all Democrats and victims like Paul Pelosi, he is also attacking the people he needs: Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Mike Pence - like Michael Cohen says, Trump is loyal to no one but himself. His sons and daughters know to be Marjorie Taylor Green - sycophants, for they know how traitorous daddy dearest is.

6)THE ABORTION ISSUE: Look, I don't believe in abortion, but I believe in a woman's right to choose. Also, the Republicans are such hypocrites, once the baby is born they want to take its social security safety net away. You can't have it both ways. They then send those babies of both sexes off to their lucrative wars. They disgust me. The abortion issue will carry the Democrats in many areas for voting in 2024

7)Adolph Hitler and John Petrella: Mr. Petrella in Medford came in 3rd to last out of 9 or 12 candidates. John Petrella — 3,809 votes to Zac Bears 7,495 votes Petrella was screaming hateful anti-trans rhetoric. We see where it got him. Use the microcosm to see the macrocosm. MAGA politics was a fluke in 2016 with Hillary Clinton winning 3 million more votes than Trump. Trump can never win a popular vote. Yes, the Russians influenced the electoral college, and the USA does this all the time to foreign countries, they just don't talk about it.

8)BIDEN ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT YOU Unlike the screaming maniac, Trump, who failed to tell you about Covid, the Biden administration is not for millionaires, it is for the middle class. You never heard about Neil Bush, the disgrace of the Bush family, because they hushed it up and Democrats would rather benefit the USA, most of them, rather than impeaching George W. Bush on the sins of his brother. Cheney was president anyway and we all know it. As one Republican said to me "You really wanted George Bush to run the country?" Acknowledging what a dim wit he was. I will say in Bush's defense, despite his stupidity as a second in command president who murdered many by his allowing those around him to be in control, he has become an excellent elder statesman. Go figure. Hunter Biden might as well be Billy Carter beer. Republicans spending so much of our money on a fraudulent investigation is another reason that people won't vote for a loony George Santos again.

9)Joe Biden and public safety: While Trump held an insurrection the Biden administration: To strengthen public safety and public trust, he signed a landmark executive order on safe, effective, and accountable policing that mandated federal reforms such as banning chokeholds, restricting no-knock entries, creating a national police accountability database, and restricting the transfer of military equipment ...

10)read this: Biden’s record and accomplishments are extremely positive

President Biden fought for and signed the American Rescue Plan which protected workers’ pensions, provided funding to communities and businesses devastated by COVID-19, lowered or eliminated insurance premiums for millions of lower- and middle-income families, provided funds for affordable housing, provided money for public safety and crime reduction, provided support to small business, expanded food assistance programs in homes and schools, expanded child care programs, invested in mental health and health care centers, added $40 billion for investing in American workers, provided funding to the economies of tribal nations, and supported families with children. Child poverty has already been cut in half as a result of his efforts.


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