
Showing posts from February, 2024

New Extra Recycling Barrels at Whittier Drive Thursday Feb 8 2024

  Finally, after a year, with Darren Costa spearheading the attempt to get more recycling barrels from city hall, Katy Rogers, Guerline Alcy  and Rep McGonagle all worked to finally get us the barrels. I had talked to two of the maintenance men yesterday and my e mail finally got us some results. Thank you Darren, Katy, Guerline and Rep McGonagle for coming through. It's been overflowing. Finally some relief.

Whittier behind 3 and 7, has only 3 recycling barrels. They are filled every week.

  All Time page views 1,548 as of 4:24 pm Wednesday Feb 7 2024   Wed, Feb 7 at 4:22 PM Whittier behind 3 and 7, has only 3 recycling barrels. They are filled every week. Darren Costa was working on this for us. I spoke with 2 of the Housing maintenance guys today. They said City Hall handles it. Today was trash/recycling day.   I showed them how one barrel gets filled just after it was emptied there are simply not enough recycling bins we need two more for this set of apartments As Anthony DiPierro shoots spitballs and  denigrates Black tenants, we won't hold our breath waiting for A.D. to do anything.  He (allegedly) would rather be at the pot shop than work. What can we do?  Rep McGonagle?  We need an extra two recycling barrels at 3/7/11 Whittier, etc.  Heck, and three apartments are empty....what happens when new tenants arrive?????

The Whittier Drive Follies, Part 1

  Fri, Feb 2 at 12:18 PM I was coming back from Storage where they were  going to throw out six nice pillows (all Merry Christmas...) and Tom  the manager said I could take them (I wanted the empty box.)  So I put them in my car and dropped them off in the recreation room on the "free table."  Good things should not be thrown away Well, this morning someone or some people took them all.   I like that.   It's a free table and that's why I put the stuff out. By the way, this is my newsletter I am creating today.... to multiple people....enjoy But with a UPS truck in the street last night some young guy in a black car was speeding on our senior citizen street. A frequent occurrence I waved for the fellow to slow down, he revved up his engine and must have hit 50MPH flying down our street...the arrogance Young punk thinking he is cool, where seniors reside. You see, Whittier Drive is a cut-through because of so many stop lights in the area, and despite the speed bum