Whittier behind 3 and 7, has only 3 recycling barrels. They are filled every week.

 All Time page views 1,548 as of 4:24 pm Wednesday Feb 7 2024


Whittier behind 3 and 7, has only 3 recycling barrels.
They are filled every week.

Darren Costa was working on this for us.

I spoke with 2 of the Housing maintenance guys today.
They said City Hall handles it.

Today was trash/recycling day.   I showed them how
one barrel gets filled just after it was emptied

there are simply not enough recycling bins
we need two more for this set of apartments

As Anthony DiPierro shoots spitballs and 
denigrates Black tenants, we won't hold our breath
waiting for A.D. to do anything.  He (allegedly) would
rather be at the pot shop than work.

What can we do?  Rep McGonagle?  We need
an extra two recycling barrels at 3/7/11 Whittier, etc. 

Heck, and three apartments are empty....what happens
when new tenants arrive?????


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