The Whittier Drive Follies, Part 1


Fri, Feb 2 at 12:18 PM I was coming back from Storage where they were 
going to throw out six nice pillows (all Merry Christmas...)
and Tom  the manager said I could take them (I wanted the
empty box.)  So I put them in my car and dropped them off in the
recreation room on the "free table."

 Good things should not be thrown away

Well, this morning someone or some people took them
all.   I like that.   It's a free table and that's why I put the stuff out.

By the way, this is my newsletter I am creating today....
to multiple people....enjoy

But with a UPS truck in the street last night some young guy
in a black car was speeding on our senior citizen street.

A frequent occurrence

I waved for the fellow to slow down, he revved up his engine
and must have hit 50MPH flying down our street...the arrogance
Young punk thinking he is cool, where seniors reside.

You see, Whittier Drive is a cut-through because of so many stop lights
in the area, and despite the speed bump at the recreation room!
It can sometimes be practice for the Indy 500.


It seems like Housing is always in our apartments and the natives
are getting restless.  At pre-coffee hour this morning we were 
chatting and the tenants feel like it is an invasion of privacy.

I'm told they will be invading my space at 10:15 so I don't play
piano today, I go home at 10 and put The Dark Knight on my new
45.00 tv from Best Buy.   I got the flyer and saw the deal.   It took
48 hours to set up, honest to God, and that was annoying, but I want
to keep my streaming off the computer so as not to overuse it.
It's a small 24" or something, a little bigger than a computer screen,
even though a friend wanted to give me a gigantic screen for free,
I like smaller for the apartment.

The dude comes in and decides he wants to fix the faucet, even tho
the previous guy said it was fine.   He said they double-check.

I tell him I will remove the stuff under the sink but he insists.
SMASH there goes a dish from my relatively new 40$ dish set.
I got it at Target.   Who cares about my personal property?

He breaks it and throws it away.  "Sorry."   Now I'm really pissed.
He also throws my cocoanut shell away.  Why?   These are the
"professionals' who want to invade my home without me there? 
You're kidding?

I take it and the cocoanut shell out of the trash.  "I told you I would
move my personal property."  Now the dude is mad at me because
I'm upset that he broke my property.

Very unprofessional and rude.

Me?  I like my life.  I go to the gym nightly with my free membership
($480.00 value or something) from my insurance.  Reading books on
the treadmill there are 3 Rolling Stones books, one Beach Boy Brian Wilson,
two Ahmet Ertegun of Atlantic Records (God bless the late Mr. Ertegun,
always so nice to me since 1982.  I was in his office when he was heading
off to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame that he started...I was with the Rolling Stones
producer Jimmy Miller like forty years ago...yers truly was managing Mr. Jimmy 
from  "You Can't Always Get What You Want."  He actually played drums on the
song he is mentioned in) ...Janis Joplin book(s), Clinton Heylin, I get a lot of
reading in at the gym. 

The maniacs at Public Storage, notorious, want to raise what was
five years ago a $200.00 rent to $400.00, and no carts for a disabled
elder person like me.

So I marched into Malden Court and sued them.
The judge, a very nice lady, said "Didn't I see you in here yesterday."
"Yes, your Honor the Everett Police told me to file on the town drunk
at Whittier Dive who assaulted me on Election Day."  Well, I didn't
put it that way but she got the message 

Lo and behold, after I filed against Public Storage with the Attorney General,
the Better Business Bureau MA, the Better Business California (where they
are based,) the Dept of Public Utilities, the DPU wrote me to try the "...
 contact the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulations @ 617-973-8787 for guidance.  
Thank you."   Since  Consumer Affairs only handles lemon laws and such
they directed me to  Exec Office of Elder affairs  617 727 7750 who said
they would get back to me in 24 hours....and, of course, didn't.

But, lo and behold, Public Storage bought 4 new carts, make you make
an appointment, I signed one out yesterday, and now I can work on
downsizing the unit to avoid their scandalous, high-priced abuse of
disabled seniors.

You can thank me and the Judge.  My lawsuit got them to finally
me specifically complaining about rate increases and no carts.

The town drunk didn't show up for court, but you know they will
and I will give a litany of complaints to judge and jury

When you pay them online you are forced to accept new "terms
and conditions," all one-sided.  I paid at the store yesterday...
the loon that manages the place (a real piece of work, the other
workers at Public Storage mock her) was off and Tom was there.

Sheesh, someone with common sense

this is my life pushing 70.   Yet I remain happy despite the 
crazy people that invade it.

Housing employee smashes my dish.  You wonder why I 
want to be present when they invade my privacy????


Joe Viglione 


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