
Showing posts from May, 2024


  BELLA WASSERMAN'S PROSECUTOR, WHO SCREWED UP THE CASE FROM DAY 1 WAS IN COURT COINCIDENTALLY WHEN I OBTAINED A RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST THE MAN WHO SEXUALLY HARASSED ME The sweet moment today, when a failed prosecutor who was supposed to get a guilty verdict on the psycho when I managed the AirBNB was in the court heard  the judge rule in my favor.  I called the prosecutor over and said "That  woman you brought to court on assault, who you failed to get a verdict on,  she is a professional boxer."  Due diligence?  Hardly. Not only did his jaw drop, he watched me win in court.  Which means, had I  handled the case against the boxer who was violent at the AirBNB I managed,  I, a pro se  litigant, would have won.    Marian Ryan sure knows how to hire them.   Heck, when the women were fighting at the AirBNB, I was the voice of reason and was able to calm them down. Guess you have to be homosexual to calm that many women down, a story for another day.

Rep McGonagle and Public Safety on Whittier Drive State House 24 Beacon St. Room 277Boston, MA, 02133 Phone:  (617) 722-2012 Dear Rep McGonagle, Elder tenants at Whittier Drive are in danger from a supporter of yours and Anthony DiPierro's. There are allegations that the individual had a big white truck with six wheels and that he rammed a disabled man  in the Dunkin Donuts parking lot.     They claim/allege that he had no insurance and the vehicle is nowhere to be found these days, though rumor also has it your pal would block the driveways of other tenants.    I met with the disabled person and another supporter of yours (they are friends.)  The other supporter is another piece of work who drives by the recreation room and yells "I'm going to play "Blue Moon" on the piano." Problem is that he can't play the piano. So these two supporters of yours, both troublemakers, hate each other. The overweight guy, who does nothing to improve himself, was leaving a hat in the door a