Rep McGonagle and Public Safety on Whittier Drive
State House
24 Beacon St. Room 277Boston, MA, 02133
Phone: (617) 722-2012

Dear Rep McGonagle,

Elder tenants at Whittier Drive are in danger from a supporter
of yours and Anthony DiPierro's.

There are allegations that the individual had a big white truck
with six wheels and that he rammed a disabled man  in the Dunkin Donuts
parking lot.  
They claim/allege that he had no insurance and the vehicle
is nowhere to be found these days, though rumor also has it your pal
would block the driveways of other tenants. 
I met with the disabled person and another supporter of yours
(they are friends.)  The other supporter is another piece of work who drives
by the recreation room and yells "I'm going to play "Blue Moon" on the piano."

Problem is that he can't play the piano.

So these two supporters of yours, both troublemakers, hate each other.

The overweight guy, who does nothing to improve himself, was leaving a
hat in the door at my residence so the entire world could bypass the security
and, well, endanger the tenants.  I believe he was (allegedly) running a mini
gambling casino, yelling out the window "We're playing the horses," when he
wasn't singing "Moon River" to me, day after day after day.

The authorities threatened to evict him, but just moved him to a bungalow
where one of your colleagues and some of the tenants allege he is selling
drugs along with "playing the horses."

So the heavy-set guy sees me in the hallway when he lived here and
phoned the always-drunk friend of yours, breaking the wiretap laws because
I didn't want to hear him go off on the town drunk, and he threatened to hurt
and beat up the town drunk AND his son, who is - "allegedly" (that word, again)
illegally living with mommy and daddy in the apartment.

These are your friends, Joe???

Side note: We never know when Charlie will go off his meds.  I saw him dancing
in the rain with an American flag at 10 pm at night, seriously.  Usually he is 
singing "God Bless America" at 6 AM to the entire community here, when he isn't
breaking into my building to demand doughnuts from me.  Seriously, you cannot
make this stuff up.  

When I joke that we are living in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest the sane here
actually agree with me and take the joke seriously.  Scary.

Phoned your office today to complain about the three McGonagle campaign signs
up seven months after the election.  We don't know if you know but you won.
Congratulations.  You can take the signs down now.

After the landlords got your sick, twisted, perverted pal to sign a restraining order
agreement in front of a judge, Jan 12, 2023, he then broke, violated the order
pounding on the piano room window yelling at me "Nicole is going to get you"
accusing me of "molesting the puzzles."  They use to do puzzles.  He was incorrect,
of course, because your pal is a pathological liar who filed a false police report
yesterday, May 27, 2024, claiming I was in the piano room:

a)When I saw the sexual harasser was in the piano room, being on the sidewalk,
I walked home

b)Since the order said he had to leave the recreation room if I said so, signed in
front of a judge, claiming I was in the recreation room bothering the ugly, gross,
vile and disgusting pervert was a lie to the police.  EVERYONE runs from him.

Except for you, "Ms. L" (isn't that a Yoko Ono song?) 
 the woman with 911 on speed-dial to get an ambulance
just for company, and the unfriendly neighborhood racist, 
Councilor Anthony DiPierro, whom the Governor
said on WGBH has no place in politics.  She got that right.

You have an obligation to protect us from your menacing friends.

This is just a note on that fact.   In fact, I might just post a daily update
until you do your job and protect us from your sick, violent, crazy supporters.



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