Rep McGonagle and Rep Gym Jordan: A Lot in Common


Was doing some business at the Everett Police station,
think I will visit them tomorrow too.  They have all three local
newspapers there, the Leader Herald with Joe McGoonagle's smiling
face on the front page.

What an embarrassment.  "...featured in the Globe.  Paid thousands for no meetings
in 3 years" screams the headline in the Leader Herald, at the Police,
and they haven't arrested McGoonagle yet?  Even for jaywalking!!

Oct 17, 2023 — Rep. Jim Jordan has only introduced 30 pieces of legislation in the 16 years he's been in Congress. Not a single one has been signed into ...
Corrupt birds of a feather flock together.

I'd better be careful, you never know who McGOONagle knows at the court house,
y'know, when I have a current restraining order on the sexual harasser the state Rep
likes to hug.

Before heading to the police station I was at the scene of the crime, 21 Whittier, the
recreation room  (more like the scene of the crimes, plural.) Talking to a friend of mine
who was watching tv, we were wondering why the sexual harasser has yet to be evicted.

The friend watching TV said "McGonagle."   HEY, I DIDN'T SAY IT.

Did you see that George Clooney is thinking of a documentary
on pervert doctor Richard Strauss, protected by Gym Jordan?

The untitled Max (HBO) film, produced by George Clooney and directed by Academy Award-winner Eva Orner, will tell the story of decades of abuse by former OSU sports doctor Richard Strauss through 

They tell me McGoonagle's boy has been here 7 years (I've only been here 2 years 1 month)  Rep McGoonagle is 
the Gym Jordan of Whittier, allegedly protecting the harasser.  

Marchese got my vote, and many many more coming, it seems. 

Let me reiterate, visit the Everett Police Station, and see the Leader Herald with
Joe McGonagle's face on the cover ....the talk of the town, and none of it is good.

McGonagle, like Gym Jordan, don't give a damn about the victims.
And Rep McGonagle is going to need every vote going up against Marchese
Michael Marchese Councilor at Large former council president.

Mike Marchese Elected New City Council President

by Independent Staff • January 11, 2023 •  
Jan 10, 2024 · Ward 5 Councilor Robert Van Campen was unanimously elected president of the Everett City Council at its organizational meeting Monday night in the Council Chambers. 

The Judge should do the right thing and extend the r/o.   I'm noting to the court house the close
ties the defendant has to McGoonagle and DiPierro.   The police are well aware.

What's more embarrassing is DiPierro's photo on the city council page,
Anthony DiPierro looks like a walking ad for N.A.

At least on his Leader Herald "mugshot," so to speak, Rep McGoonagle
almost looks respectable.  Though looks can be deceiving,
except when it is Rep Donato grabbing the private parts of
unindicted felon ex councilor Michael Marks in Medford. (see attached photo)

At least Paul Donato only did it in front of 3 minors where
Gym Jordan's pal Doc Strauss ....well, suicide was too good for him.

Enough with the dry humor, seriously, McGonagle's time has
come and gone.  He is obsolete.  He is embarrassed in the Globe
and still has the cousin Carlo (Mayor DeMaria) machine in place.
Cousin Carlo, do the math, like McGlynn you are losing your mojo.

You don't have to believe that I removed Mike McGlynn, but since
I forced McGlynn to shut down TV 3 (he didn't want to,) and forced
McGlynn's uncle off of the board of Medford Housing, delude yourself
that I didn't get rid of McGlynn.  One thing IS certain.

McGlynn ain't there anymore.

And he didn't leave by choice.

You're welcome

Talk to Paul Donato all you want, Rep McGonagle, you
both do not know who I am and how elegantly I write,
and the parties that I write to.   Like the FBI....

even with McGlynn's nephew there at the FBI allegedly, 
ol' Mikey got the boot

Also know, I actually like Paul Donato...if I wanted him gone,
he would be gone.  All those rumors about lending the company
vehicle, trips to Florida ....Beacon Hill rumors....and more! Donato should
send me a thank you note that I allowed him to say

But in this situation, quoting Clint Eastwood

"Mercy?  I'm fresh out."

The harasser has to go, DiPierro and McGonagle too.

Tell Cousin Carlo to go to Encore and have some fun,
and not to interfere, or tow my car again....

I've got more songs to write in the piano room
rather than more letters to the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Joe Viglione


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