Truck Afire Approx 6:20 AM Whittier Drive Everett July 12, 2024 Friday Story and Photos Copyright (C) 2024 Joe Viglione


By Joe Viglione

    My kitty woke me up first, then I heard very loud screaming from a bunch
of males, and looking out the window men running back and forth.  There were
no flames and smoke yet.   About 6:35 am from my window I started taking pictures of the
billowing smoke and flames on the street.  Went downstairs outside and witnessed
the black truck on fire and fire trucks arriving.

As I got on the park bench in front of my car (only 4 cars away!) the firefighters
asked me and the guy on the sidewalk to move back.  The heat was getting
intense and the smoke aroma was in the air.
   News Media:
Fri, Jul 12 at 4:34 PM
All photos and story Copyright Joe Viglione (C)202    All rights reserved
For photo or stories 617 899 5926  for payment to use


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