The Grinning Ghoul DiPierro Shows Up in My Mailbox



Photo #1  DiPierro Campaign Literature in Laundry Room
Photo #2  DiPierro supporter taking down our Halloween Party sign a week in advance
Photo #3  DiPierro supporter at DiPierro event 10/19/21 (on or about) putting campaign poster up

How this donkey  DiPierro?? 
What kind of parents support his lunacy? 
Here's some DiPierro thug putting up campaign literature where he is not supposed to.

Via public records request I have the DiPierro supporter who put signs up in the lobby and  in the laundry room.  I have the footage.   DiPierro knows he can't do this, he lacks integrity and we have the proof.

My Halloween card arrived on was a grinning ghoul  - DiPierro - lying to us about "Integrity"..."Leadership" ..."Experience"....none of the qualities that loser DiPierro has.

    Anthony DiPierro is a loser.  You see, I have the video of some grey-haired supporter tearing down our Halloween Party poster, sticking it in his pocket, and posting DiPierro propaganda in our living room. 

     Two members of the city council of Medford credit me with removing Mayor McGlynn -- I don't know if that's true, but my expose' on the city council president certainly got him not to run again.  "Uncle Bob" is what we call Bob Maicco and he was a naughty boy at Wells Fargo.

     "Integrity" it says on the postcard, what a laugh...Deanne Deveney "integrity" is more like it - and we had to put up with her in Medford before she migrated to Kousin Karlo's Kafeteria here in Everett.

        Do you know why Mayor McGlynn surrounded himself with reprobates and losers, Anthony?  Because he could control them.  Then yours truly started picking them off one by one - Scamuso - nephew by marriage to Uncle Bob, the gay undertaker Freddy - the Halloween joke 12 months of the year, it seems all the jokers had "o" at the end of their name - like you!  Camuso, Maiocco, Dello Russo, Falco ...DiPierro....ooops, wrong mayor.


      If your name ends in "O" - you are owned by the mayor I would say to some woman from Tufts, probably an attorney or publicist, usually one and the same.   She got it...the joke...and laughed.


     In Everett some ghoul's helper tears down a Halloween Party poster and wrongfully puts up a DiPierro campaign sign.  I pulled it down...legally.  

Here is the goober who put up DiPierro campaign stupidity in laundry room of Everett Housing Authority against the rules...I got the footage

     They were frauds, Anthony - all of them.  Zero integrity, and like you, shooting spitballs on company time.  Well, now I'm in Everett, and think of what I'm going to do to you ...with the truth.   - JV -



 photo of BOZO THE CLOWN

Bozo the Clown


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