
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Grinning Ghoul DiPierro Shows Up in My Mailbox

  NEWSFLASH TO GHOUL DIPIERRO, THIS AIN'T NO JOSH RESNICK WRITING... Photo #1  DiPierro Campaign Literature in Laundry Room Photo #2  DiPierro supporter taking down our Halloween Party sign a week in advance Photo #3  DiPierro supporter at DiPierro event 10/19/21 (on or about) putting campaign poster up How this donkey  DiPierro??  What kind of parents support his lunacy?  Here's some DiPierro thug putting up campaign literature where he is not supposed to. Via public records request I have the DiPierro supporter who put signs up in the lobby and  in the laundry room.  I have the footage.   DiPierro knows he can't do this, he lacks integrity and we have the proof. My Halloween card arrived on was a grinning ghoul  - DiPierro - lying to us about "Integrity"..."Leadership" ..."Experience"....none of the qualities that loser DiPierro has.     Anthony DiPierro is a loser.  You see, I have the video of some grey-haired suppor

Racist's Goon Takes Halloween Party Inivite and Puts DiPierro Campaign Poster Up

  Thu, Oct 26 at 1:26 PM Mayor DeMaria Everett City Hall Everett MA 02149 Dear Cousin Carlo, Your cousin, Anthony DiPierro,  had a function at the recreation  room at Everett's Whittier Recreation  room at 21 Whittier Drive. I have video footage of an Anthony DiPierro  goon putting up a flyer (in the lobby) --- the fellow had white hair,  jeans and a blue jacket. There is a second video in the laundry room  of the fellow - full facial - taking our Halloween Party poster down  and putting a DiPierro propaganda poster up. Yesterday Mr. DiPierro showed up  at our Halloween party and wanted to give me a trick or treat bag h e was handing out.     No thank you. Attached are: a)the letter from EHA not to use the  community room to campaign b)the campaign material posted c)the campaign material  posted It is our community room, not Anthony DiPierro's. The racist having some goon vandalizing  information for our Halloween Party and  replacing it with his own literature is a nuisance. I

Letter to the Elections Division Regarding DiPierro Campaign Vandalizing Senior Citizen Recreation Room

  Mon, Oct 23 at 11:12 PM Secretary of the Commonwealth Elections Division One Ashburton Place Room 1705 Boston, MA   02108                                      1-800-462-VOTE (8683) 617-727-2828 Fax: 617-727-3238 Dear Elections Commission: A candidate for city council in Everett, Anthony DiPierro, is personally, or has people helping out his campaign (in-kind contributions?) wrecking posters for our "Coffee Hour" at Everett Housing.  To add insult to injury they are removing posters that help the public, time, energy, printing, reels of tape, and after DiPierro's party at 21 Whittier (10/19/23,) the posters were removed and wrongfully replaced with DiPierro's posters, which the candidate knew (he was advised by Housing) that he was not supposed to post. Enclosed are photographs taken on or about 4:18 pm on Monday, October 23, 2023 of DiPierro's campaign again violating the Everett Housing Authority rules, putting his posters up wrongfull

Is Anthony DePierro Caught Doing Drugs???? Allegedly from the EVERETT REPORTER 2

 Is RACIST FRAUD Anthony DePierro Caught Doing Drugs????  Allegedly    from the EVERETT REPORTER 2  FROM JOE VIGLIONE: I WILL SAY THIS IS AN ALLEGED SHOT OF DISGRACED EX CITY COUNCILOR ANTHONY DEPIERRO OF EVERETT DOING DRUGS ALLEGEDLY AT THE CITY COUNCIL via Zoom, ALLEGEDLY. THERE IS A LAWSUIT BECAUSE OF ANTHONY DIPIERRO'S RACISM, AND ALLEGEDLY MEDFORD DEANNA DEVENEY'S RACIST, AWFUL, SWEAR-WORD (FUTHERMUCKER) HORRIBLE ACTIONS. STEPHANIE MUCCINI-BURKE'S SHAMEFUL HIRE - DEVENEY - DISGRACED MEDFORD from "Anonymous"WHO IS  on the group THE EVERETT REPORTER 2     The disgraced racist councillor, Anthony Dipierro is costing Everetts taxpayer’s millions to defend his racist actions against the citizens & students of Everett. He single handedly is driving up our taxes to pay for his bad behavior. Now the degenerate drug addict wants to run for office again. Vote NO! and VOTE YES for COSTA ! You Dont want a druggie making decisions on your taxes!  

What is the QUIET ENJOYMENT law for tenants in Massachusetts?

 Breach of the warranty of habitability,a%20breach%20of%20quiet%20enjoyment. If the landlord in any way intentionally interferes with your “quiet enjoyment” of your apartment. Excessive noise from other tenants under the landlord’s control   Emotional distress caused by the landlord’s miscalculation of rent and attempt to evict the tenant for non-payment   The money damages the court awards you will be equal to either 3 months’ rent or your actual damages, whichever is greater. Your actual damages might include the diminution in value of your apartment due to a defective condition which your landlord failed to remedy in a timely manner, monetary damages for money spent to fix a bad condition or emotional distress.

The #mayor, #CarloDeMaria has racism on his hands backing his #cousin #AnthonyDiPierro

  The #mayor , #CarloDeMaria has racism on his hands backing his #cousin #AnthonyDiPierro @VisitBostonCity #Mapoli #BosPoli #EverettPoli @MayorDeMaria @everettpolicema @MaldenObserver @EverettHerald @StateRepJoe #corruption #seniorhate #homophobiainEverett

21 Whittier Unsafe due to Two Alleged Rep McGonagle Supporters Robert Bailot and Peter Chiarello

  Anthony DiPierro and/or his followers are vandals as well as #homophobes and #racists read: Quiet Enjoyment law? Really? #MaPoli #BosPoli #EverettPoli #NationalPoli @everettpolicema @NAACP_MVAB @BostonNAACP1911 @EverettHerald @anthonyeverett 21 Whittier Unsafe due to Two Alleged Rep McGonagle Supporters  Robert Bailot and Peter Chiarello  Rep McGonagle Supporters are Public Nuisances at Whittier Dr. Everett.  It seems that the state Rep doesn't give a damn about the Quiet Enjoyment law, and his supporters think they are "politically connected" and can harass us with impunity.    How sad is that situation?   It is scary, because two of the individuals  have acted violently, Robert Bailot and Peter Chiarello.   At Joe McGonagle's dinner at Whittier Dr.   Recreation Room last year a Robert Bailot hugged McGonagle.   Bailot had attempted to drag me into the m